Free Webinar!
Here’s a no-willpower way to quickly break the cycle of over-drinking using the ALP method that gives you back control in just 90 days
You will learn...
A way of changing your relationship with alcohol that will completely eliminate any stress you may be feeling about wanting to change
How to break the cycle of trying to moderate only to find yourself back to square one in a few days or weeks
How to make sure you never have a hangover or regrets about the previous night again
How you will be able to enjoy social situations and cope with the daily stresses of life without using alcohol
Free eBook!
6 Reasons Moderation is Hard - and how you can break free
My 20-page eBook brings you the latest in scientific understanding of how the body processes alcohol and the physical and mental reasons why moderation is so hard.
I also explain how our new undertanding of neuroplasticity shows how we can break free from the bind of trying to moderate.
Free eBook by Paul Buxton
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your very informative and thorough description of the havoc that alcohol causes in many of the amazing bodily systems that allow each and every one of us to live each day!! From the intricacies of the brain to the filtering of the liver, I have learned through your brilliant explanations, the true poison that alcohol is and and how it’s addictive nature is so hazardous to our health!!
Thanks so much for this revelation!!
Maria, New Jersey
"Oh, how I wish I had this years ago!! The information outlined in Paul's eBook is gold. What Paul explains so eloquently here are the major reasons why we may find ourselves stuck in an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. It took me a long time, over 20 years, and many, many trials, to figure this stuff out! I couldn't understand why it was that I felt so depressed and unmotivated, hopeless at times, when I used to be so motivated and joyful. I was so unhappy. Paul's eBook explains why! You are not alone, and it is not your fault. Physics and chemistry don't lie. :)
This Naked Mind community, and in particular the coaches, are game changers. Please don't waste as much precious time as I did. Connect with Paul for more information, guidance, and the support you deserve, to break free from alcohol and truly live the life you desire.
Laura, Boston, MA
Have you ever wondered...
Why you can feel sure you are going to take a day off drinking at 9am but feel completely differently at 6pm?
Why it feels like you have two completely different voices in your head talking to you about drinking?
Why you can take some time off drinking, but then feel like you are back to square one when you start again?
Why your drinking is less fun than it used to be?
Why life feels...just a bit meh at times?
Why you feel so miserable and deprived when you think about taking a break from drinking?
Why it feels impossible to not drink when you've had a tough day?
Find out the answer to to these question and more in my free eBook!
Book your free
Breakthrough call
Find out how I can help you to find freedom from alcohol, forever. Free 60 minute session